Attendance/Late Procedures
Good Attendance & Good Punctuality
Pupils should be in school EVERY day, ALL day. Pupils should arrive to school and be seated in their classroom before 9:00 each day. Pupils who arrive at 9am or after will need to sign in as 'late' via the school office and will be marked as 'late' on the school register.
If your child is not able to attend school for any reason, you must report your child's absence via the Weduc App before 9am each day at the very latest.
Good attendance and good punctuality will help your child to be happier at school, to learn more and make greater progress. All holidays must be taken during the school holidays, NOT during term-time. Except in an emergency or if urgent, all appointments (e.g. doctor, dentist etc) and other events should be made after school, at the weekends or during the school holidays, NOT during the school day. Days and time missed at school = LOST LEARNING. Children should be in school EVERY day, ALL day (except for illness or other very exceptional circumstances)
Start & Finish Times
08:45 – 11:45 (am) & 12:45 – 03:45 (pm)
Reception - Year 6
09:00 - 03:30
Start of day: the school gates will open between 8:45 - 8:50
- pupils must be seated in their classroom ready for registration by 9:00 at the latest.
End of day: the school gates will open between 3:15 - 3:20
- pupils must be collected by 3:30 at the latest.
Start/End of Day timings & procedures from Monday 23rd May 2022
Start of day: School starts at 9:00. Gates open between 8:45 - 8:50am. All pupils must be in school and seated in their classrooms BEFORE 9:00. Any pupils arriving at the school gates at 9:00 or after, will need to sign in and be marked in as ‘late’ at the school office.
- ALL pupils/parents enter via the main gates (Western Road) then walk through the Reception playground gate by the side of the Nursery.
- Y5 and Y6 walk to and enter their classrooms via the KS2 playground fire escape. All other pupils enter via their external classroom door.
ALL pupils must be seated in their classrooms BEFORE 9:00.
EXIT: Parents/carers exit via the Nursery playground.
End of day: School finishes at 3:30pm. Gates open between 3:15 - 3:20pm. After 3:30pm, pupils will be taken to and can be collected as ‘late’ from the school office. Pupils must be collected by 3:30pm at the very latest.
(Nursery ends at the usual time of 3:45pm)
- ALL Nursery, Reception and Y1-Y5 parents/carers enter via the main gates (Western Rd) then walk through the Reception playground gate by the side of the Nursery.
- Year 6 parents can collect Y6 pupils from in front of the school office.
EXIT: Parents/carers exit via the Nursery playground.
Nursery - Year 4 can be collected from classrooms.
Year 5 can be collected from adjacent to KS2 play equipment (next to Year 4 classrooms)
Year 6 can be dismissed from or collected from in front of the school office.