Complaints Procedure
All complaints are taken seriously. The staff of the school will try to resolve all complaints so that children are happy and learning at school and parents are confident that the matter has been resolved. Complaints can be made in person, by telephone, in writing or by email. Any parent who has a complaint about a minor matter should firstly speak to the class teacher. If the matter is of a more serious nature, or if parents are not satisfied, then they may contact the Head Teacher. If parents are not satisfied with the outcome then they may contact the Chair of Governors via the school office:
If parents remain dissatisfied they can contact Children’s Services School Improvement, or the Chief Executive at Ealing Council. If, after all these steps have been taken parents feel that the complaint requires further attention, then they may contact the Department for Education.
Contact details for Ealing Council and the Department for Education are available on the internet or from the school office.