Ofsted inspection of Featherstone Primary and Nursery School 8th - 9th May 2024
Overall effectiveness | Outstanding |
The quality of education | Outstanding |
Behaviour and attitudes | Outstanding |
Personal development | Outstanding |
Leadership and management | Outstanding |
Early years provision | Outstanding |
What is it like to attend this school? |
Pupils love attending Featherstone Primary and Nursery School. They appreciate the excellent education that this inspirational school provides. In early years, children settle quickly and develop an enthusiasm for learning. Pupils across the school know that they are part of the ‘Featherstone family’. They are kept safe, feel valued and listened to. The school’s focus on supporting mental health and well-being, as well as character development, prepares pupils exceptionally well for their future lives.
Pupils follow the rules and routines with enthusiasm. The school environment is calm and orderly but with a constant buzz of learning. During playtimes, pupils interact respectfully and use the school’s ‘CARE’ values to remind each other to be kind to one another. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the education their children receive.
Pupils are supported to understand the protected characteristics, to challenge discrimination, and respect others’ rights. They proudly take on responsibilities in school and participate in projects to support the local community. A broader range of additional activities helps to ensure that pupils’ talents and interests are well considered. Staff are diligent in ensuring that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can take part in these activities. |
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better? |
This school has a culture of high aspirations and continual improvement based on the very highest expectations for all. Dedicated and caring staff at all levels collectively share a commitment to excellence. Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that consistently meets, and in some subjects exceeds, the requirements of what is expected nationally. In every subject, knowledge has been clearly identified so that staff know precisely what to teach and when. Beginning in early years and throughout key stages 1 and 2, learning is broken down into manageable steps. It is organised so that pupils build their knowledge and vocabulary cumulatively over time.
In classrooms, teachers explain concepts clearly and have strong subject knowledge. Where necessary, they adapt lessons to meet the needs of pupils with SEND or those who speak English as an additional language. As a result, pupils enthusiastically produce work of high quality across the curriculum. Regular ‘remember and review’ sessions help pupils to make connections and remember what they have learned. In geography, for example, pupils develop a deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their local area and its place within a wider geographical context. Pupils in year 2 use maps to find localities north and south of the Equator and explain why they have different climates as a result. Older pupils use aerial photographs and maps to understand how the local area has changed as a result of local development. |
Reading is at the heart of the school’s provision. Phonics lessons in early years help children to quickly become confident readers. Expert staff model sounds precisely and ensure that pupils read books which are well matched to the sounds they know. Staff use a wide range of diverse and interesting stories to inspire pupils and model how to read with fluency and expression. For pupils who are new to English, or those who find learning to read more difficult, staff waste no time in providing well- targeted extra support. This ensures that all pupils gain the reading skills they need to access the full curriculum. Pupils develop their accuracy and fluency as they move through the school and develop a love of reading. Children get off to an excellent start to their education in early years. Highly skilled staff make sure that they work closely with parents and get to know children individually. This means that they can design learning activities that match the children’s needs and interests. As a result, children thrive, demonstrate high levels of self-control and become eager learners. This enthusiasm for learning continues as pupils move through the school. Behaviour is exemplary and pupils look forward to coming into school every day.
Leaders and those responsible for governance are determined to ensure that all pupils benefit from the high-quality education on offer. Staff know families well and have put a range of effective, individualised strategies in place to improve attendance. These are having a positive impact. Highly skilled and knowledgeable governors understand their strategic role in ensuring attendance remains a priority. The school’s programme for personal development is impressive. A well-considered range of exciting activities enrich the ambitious curriculum, such as visits to theatres, museums, places of worship, and a local farm. Pupils learn how to explore and articulate their feelings and to care for their own and others’ mental and physical well-being. The curriculum supports pupils to understand what constitutes a healthy relationship and many are proud to become one of the ‘Featherstone friends’. They learn how to stay safe online, as well as the importance of keeping safe in the local area. Pupils are keen to take on additional responsibilities and make an active contribution to the life of the school and the wider community. Roles such as school councillors, playground and dining hall leaders, eco and travel ambassadors all help to promote positive relationships and the smooth running of school routines.
Staff are well supported by leaders to provide the very best for pupils. They are appreciative of the many steps the school takes to support their well-being and manage workload. Pupils, parents and staff are rightly proud to be a part of this exceptional school. |
Safeguarding |
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. |